Goodbye, 2017. Hello, 2018!

Well, y’all, by the time I finish this post it will be the New Year — 2018. I can’t believe this year has gone by already. It’s gone by so fast — and yet, at times, it may have even seemed that it was going by slowly. It feels like as I get older I’m more aware of time and how quickly it “flies by”.

2017. You were a good year. Probably one of my hardest years, but you were also a good year. You were one of the best years for friends. I learned a lot, but I also experienced a lot.



God has been so good to me, as He has always been every year. This past year, 2017, however, has been one of my best and greatest years for friends. I’ve made new friends, grown closer to the ones I already have, shared laughs and tears with friends, joys, sadness, excitement, hugs, and so. many. memories!

In 2017 alone I probably made over a thousand memories with just friends.

So here’s to 2018 — more challenges to overcome, more fears to face, more tears to shed, more hugs to share, more learning and growth to experience, and more memories to make.

I’m so thankful for each and every one of YOU — my friends that God has blessed me with!

So God bless you ALL. Thank you for the memories. Thank you for being an encouragement to me. Thank you for being YOU. And thank you for loving God, and encouraging me in Him.


Well, my family has stuck by me for another year πŸ˜‰ I’m so so thankful God has blessed me with a family such as mine! (As I’m sure you’re thankful for the family He’s blessed you with). God always knows what He’s doing when He puts you into your family.

My family is pretty crazy. We’re all kinda crazy sometimes. We all have our challenges, difficulties, arguments, laughs, tears, everything in between. But I love them all so very much. I’m so thankful for my parents. They’re not perfect (but then again, who is?) but I have learned so much from them and I love them so much. And honestly, I’m kinda glad they make mistakes sometimes. We can learn from mistakes πŸ™‚ I’m so thankful to God.

Also… We found out in July of 2017 that I’m gonna be an auntie to a baby boy due this March!! I’m SO excited.

Guys… no matter what happens, count your blessings every day. Be thankful for your family. Tell them you love them. πŸ™‚

An’ all the rest

Alllll of the memories, experiences, growth and learning, failures and successes — God, thank you for each of them.


Happy New Year, friends πŸ™‚

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