God is on the move.

As I’m reading more and listening/watching to interviews and testimonies from the Columbine high school shooting on April 20, 1999, it definitely is heart-breaking. Some of you may know Rachel Joy Scott, the first student to be murdered in the shooting. She was murdered because of her faith in Jesus Christ.

However, Craig Scott, survivor of the shooting and brother of Rachel Joy Scott, can now say that he doesn’t feel hatred or anger towards the gunmen. In fact, this is what he says in an interview years later, “So I had a mentor that came into my life and he told me something that was powerful and true. He said that forgiveness was like setting a prisoner free and finding out that prisoner is you. And I realized I needed to let go of all the anger and hate towards them. So I chose to forgive the two shooters.”

This is powerful. God’s kingdom moves forward despite this event that happened — the shooting. Many have been impacted by the stories of those surviving the shooting as well as those who were killed. So many have been changed, challenged, and inspired. God is on the move.

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