Washed Clean by the blood of the LAMB

I was on Pinterest today, and saw this pin.


If you’ve ever seen this one before, what did you think or feel?

God used these men and women, who were definitely sinners, (we all are), as an instrument for his use. Some of them were pretty bad: murders, affairs, cheaters.. but believe it or not, God used these men and women for His purposes.

Okay, think of Paul- he was a terrible persecutor of the Christians. He definitely murdered, and did lots of wrong things. Yet, God saved him, washed him clean. He was martyred for Christ in the end, but he counted it joy, to suffer for Christ’s sake.

Which one of these men or women do you feel like you can relate to the most?

Should I move?

Hello everyone! I am going to ask you a question.

Should I change websites? I can move to blogger, or I can stay here on wordpress.

Both are all right, but please let me know your opinion. Maybe I’ll have one of each! πŸ˜›

So long!


Electric Shock//Swimming

Today, we went to my neighbors’ pool to go swimming. While we were there, we were playing a game in the water, when I kicked my sister (ahem, I won’t say who, but if you know me, her name starts with an “H” ;)) and she bit her tongue, so it started bleeding. My poor sister! 😦

So, we went out of the pool, and decided to go watch the fishies in a little pond on their property.

While looking at it and chatting among ourselves, my poor, injured sister touched the electric fence surrounding their pool, and….


ZAP!Β download

Since I was touching my sister, it zapped me too, and my! was it an odd feeling. I guess it didn’t help that we were a bit wet…….



Have you ever been ‘shocked?’ Guess below what my sister’s name was!Β 

Canada Day//Willis Clan Video

Bonjour, and hello everyone! πŸ™‚

These past two days for me have been pretty busy! First, on Friday, it was Canada day!!
A couple of my sisters and I got together with some friends from church, and we did a book study. The rest of the time we were there, we hung out, swam in the pool Β heart, jumped on the trampoline, played ultimate tag, recorded together, ate, and jammed together in the living room. πŸ™‚ Three letters to describe the day: FUN.

Then yesterday, we headed out to another of our friends, and spent most of the day there.

God is really great to have blessed us with friends, isn’t he? I have some pretty great friends that He has blessed me with. πŸ™‚ “One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” -Proverbs 18:24

One of the friends sent me this video ofΒ The Willis ClanΒ doing a version of “My Favorite Things.” The main singer in this video is Jasmine, who is 14.


So, everyone, how was your weekend?

So long! πŸ™‚

50 posts!

I have made 50 posts!!!! Okay, that might not seem like a lot, but still, it is a milestone.

Tell me in the comment envelope which post was your favorite, or one you really liked!

We are also going to do a little poll:

Which posts would you like most to see?

  1. Stories
  2. Devotionals
  3. Pictures
  4. Tags
  5. Different news about things like”my handmade card business”
  6. Other

Do let me know in the comments. πŸ™‚

Thank you very kindly.

Happy belated Canada day to my Canadian readers!Β download

Till the next post, readers!






In case you don’t know how to comment…

Hello everyone!

So, when I got this new blog look, I didn’t explain how to comment on the whatever post I do.

So, if you are confused and cannot find the comment section, now you won’t be confused anymore! (hopefully) πŸ˜›

When I do a new post, all you have to do is to click on the post name, and then scroll down until you see and envelope, which will say: “Leave a reply”

Please tell me if any of you are still confused. πŸ™‚

See ya later!!