Happy New Year!

And so it begins — 2019. As with past years, this one will have its share of joy, struggle, heartbreak, and many memories, some good, and some bad.

But know this: If you’re in Christ, nothing can ever separate you from His love, and no matter what Satan tries to trip you up with, He is always there and He always helps and is faithful.

I hope in the Lord that you all have a blessed year, full of GROWTH and more LOVE for Jesus and those around you. May this year be a year to praise God all the more for His wonderful sacrifice for sinners like you and me.


Happy New Year! ❀

Through the Valley of Shadows is here!

Hello everyone! *peeks out from my house* anyone still there?


I know I haven’t been very good with doing blog posts recently, but I’m going to do a quick one now πŸ™‚


Some of you may know that I was working on another novella! Through the Valley of Shadows just came today! I was NOT expecting it for another two weeks or so, but was so pleasantly surprised when it came today ^_^

I will be, Lord willing, doing a book tour sometime in September. If you are interested in participating, let me know in the comments! I’ll keep you on a list. Also, if you could let me know what you would like to do – an author interview, book spotlight, and/or book interview, that would be G.R.E.A.T. πŸ™‚


And now for the book synopsis. I’m probably going to post the chapters, one at a time, on my blog here so you can all read it, even if you don’t/can’t buy it ^_^ Thanks so much for all your support, guys. It means so much πŸ™‚


“In this exciting sequel to Racing for Time, join Janefer and Mel as they are plunged yet again into another mystery. As the girls try to settle back into normal life, their college is suddenly hit with crime and someone is badly injured. In the investigation that follows, Janefer and Mel find that there is more to this incident than what meets the eye. The duo are joined by Officer Aaron Hardwick, a young officer with the NYPD, who helps them in their search for justice β€” and truth. Trials bombard Janefer and Mel from all sides along the way, but through it all they learn to trust God in this valley of shadows.”


And a pic or two…









If you DO want to buy the book, it’s available here: http://www.oliviagrace.bigcartel.com

Hopefully it may be available on Amazon in the near future as well.

Thanks, guys! I’ll talk to you soon πŸ™‚


I encourage you to think on this! If we can make a difference, what will we be known for? What can we do NOW?

Amanda Michelle Brown

It’s so weird to me that one day, no one will ever know Amanda Brown ever lived and breathed. I’ll be lost in the pages of time, my story dusty and forgotten. But maybe that doesn’t really matter. Because maybe, if I can make an impact, I can still live on in a better way. If because of me, a family’s life is changed; a child lives; a relationship is restored.
After all . . . actions speak louder than words.

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The Sisterhood Tag

Hello everyone! πŸ™‚

I’m making up my own tag today, although it’s probably been done before πŸ˜› The Sisterhood Tag (and brothers are a very essential part of my life – I’m just doing a sister one this time;))


The rules!

*Answer the five questions from the tag, and then make up five of your own! Keep the fun going πŸ˜‰

*Tag whomever you wish! You don’t even have to tag anyone to do this; you can just dedicate the tag to a ‘sister’, biological or adopted, who means a lot to you!

*Have fun!


  1. What’s one of the biggest blessings that you appreciate about your sister?
  2. What is one of your favorite activities to do with your sister(s)?
  3. Are you “Same Jane” with your sister(s), or “Different Dolly”?
  4. What is one of the most hilarious memories you’ve had with your sisters?
  5. What is the best part about being a sister, in your opinion?


I’m tagging, for this one…



Faith P.


(If you don’t have any sisters, then feel free to do it for your brother(s)! They’re pretty special too ;))


God is on the move.

As I’m reading more and listening/watching to interviews and testimonies from the Columbine high school shooting on April 20, 1999, it definitely is heart-breaking. Some of you may know Rachel Joy Scott, the first student to be murdered in the shooting. She was murdered because of her faith in Jesus Christ.

However, Craig Scott, survivor of the shooting and brother of Rachel Joy Scott, can now say that he doesn’t feel hatred or anger towards the gunmen. In fact, this is what he says in an interview years later, β€œSo I had a mentor that came into my life and he told me something that was powerful and true. He said that forgiveness was like setting a prisoner free and finding out that prisoner is you. And I realized I needed to let go of all the anger and hate towards them. So I chose to forgive the two shooters.”

This is powerful. God’s kingdom moves forward despite this event that happened — the shooting. Many have been impacted by the stories of those surviving the shooting as well as those who were killed. So many have been changed, challenged, and inspired. God is on the move.

Goodbye, 2017. Hello, 2018!

Well, y’all, by the time I finish this post it will be the New Year — 2018. I can’t believe this year has gone by already. It’s gone by so fast — and yet, at times, it may have even seemed that it was going by slowly. It feels like as I get older I’m more aware of time and how quickly it “flies by”.

2017. You were a good year. Probably one of my hardest years, but you were also a good year. You were one of the best years for friends. I learned a lot, but I also experienced a lot.



God has been so good to me, as He has always been every year. This past year, 2017, however, has been one of my best and greatest years for friends. I’ve made new friends, grown closer to the ones I already have, shared laughs and tears with friends, joys, sadness, excitement, hugs, and so. many. memories!

In 2017 alone I probably made over a thousand memories with just friends.

So here’s to 2018 — more challenges to overcome, more fears to face, more tears to shed, more hugs to share, more learning and growth to experience, and more memories to make.

I’m so thankful for each and every one of YOU — my friends that God has blessed me with!

So God bless you ALL. Thank you for the memories. Thank you for being an encouragement to me. Thank you for being YOU. And thank you for loving God, and encouraging me in Him.


Well, my family has stuck by me for another year πŸ˜‰ I’m so so thankful God has blessed me with a family such as mine! (As I’m sure you’re thankful for the family He’s blessed you with). God always knows what He’s doing when He puts you into your family.

My family is pretty crazy. We’re all kinda crazy sometimes. We all have our challenges, difficulties, arguments, laughs, tears, everything in between. But I love them all so very much. I’m so thankful for my parents. They’re not perfect (but then again, who is?) but I have learned so much from them and I love them so much. And honestly, I’m kinda glad they make mistakes sometimes. We can learn from mistakes πŸ™‚ I’m so thankful to God.

Also… We found out in July of 2017 that I’m gonna be an auntie to a baby boy due this March!! I’m SO excited.

Guys… no matter what happens, count your blessings every day. Be thankful for your family. Tell them you love them. πŸ™‚

An’ all the rest

Alllll of the memories, experiences, growth and learning, failures and successes — God, thank you for each of them.


Happy New Year, friends πŸ™‚

12DoC – Day 12 – It’s a Wrap!

Hello everyone, and welcome to the last and final day of the 12 Days of Christmas Blog linkup! 😦 It feels sad now that it’s coming to an end doesn’t it? I hope y’all have enjoyed it! I know Faith put a lot of work into this year, so let’s all give her a round of applause shall we?

Thanks, Faith! ❀



Today is just a wrap-up post, and I want to thank all of you for this year, all of your hard work and time in reading the posts, blogging, or just being there to support your friends and family!

As I’ve grown older, and understood the gospel more and the meaning of Christmas, it’s really hit me more what Jesus did for us, sinners, and it makes me so thankful.

This is only my second year doing it, but I can tell everyone who participates really loves it, and who wouldn’t? Celebrating Jesus and the Christmas is one of my favorite times of year, as I’m sure it is for a lot of people πŸ˜‰

And this year, especially if you’re missing someone who’s gone, or if you’re going through a hard time, or this year has been really hard, so you don’t feel like celebrating, keep holding fast to God. He is the only One Who can provide true comfort and peace and happiness, much as toys and other things are fun for a while, Jesus is everlasting. So don’t give up, Christian.

Maybe you don’t know about Jesus and what He did for us. Maybe you don’t believe it. Well, once I was just like you. A sinner destined for death. But then I came to know Christ through His Son, Jesus Christ, when I repented of my sins and believed and trusted in Jesus as Savior. You can do that too. This Christmas, would you ever leave a gift under the tree addressed to you UN-wrapped? Course not! I know I wouldn’t πŸ˜‰ That’s the same with Jesus. His free gift of salvation is like a wrapped gift under the tree. What are you waiting for? πŸ™‚


That I will conclude for today, and I hope you all have a blessed, awesome Christmas, and an awesome New Year (2018?!?!!) growing more in Jesus, loving Him more, and making more special memories. MERRY CHRISTMAS!! πŸ˜€






12DoC – Day 12 (11ish) – Christmas Vlog

Hey everyone!

I’m super super late with this post, cause it was actually supposed to be posted yesterday (Christmas Eve) but I wasn’t able to get the vlog finished in time before I went to bed (cause we did all of our family Christmas festivities last night) Anyways, here it is now.. on Christmas Day (so another post will be coming today xD) And guys… IT’S CHRISTMAS!! I hope you all enjoyed this year’s 12DoC blog linkup and that we’ll see ya next year!


You’ll see a little message from me in the video, so cya!



YAY! It finally uploaded. Hope you guys enjoy, and MERRY CHRISTMAS! πŸ˜€



12DoC – Day 10 – This Christmas Morning, pt. 3 (a Christmas short story)

Hi everyone πŸ™‚

It’s crazy to believe that Christmas is only two days away!! :O :O Which also means we’re on the 10th day of Christmas, so this party is ending soon! :O I hope you all have enjoyed it and maybe, even join it next year πŸ˜‰



Today’s post will be the last and final part in the short Christmas story I’m writing,Β This Christmas Morning. Hope y’all enjoy it, and let’s get to it, shall we? by the way, this might not even be that good, but I’m just gonna post it anyway πŸ˜›




Part 3

Dave kissed Noelle on the forehead, as she laid sleeping in his arms, the morning sun rising, its rays filling the waiting room. It was quiet throughout the hospital, and only the occasional cry or laughter echoed through the halls. Emma was stable now, but Dave still wasn’t allowed to visit her yet. She had suffered from some sort of system failure, and Dave wasn’t sure if she would live.
A nurse stepped into the room. “Mr. Stanton?”
Dave stood up as fast as he could with a baby in his arms. “Yes? Can I see Emma now?”
“Yes, she’s stable, but Mr. Stanton, we don’t think she’ll make it through the night. I’m so sorry.”
Dave swallowed hard. “Which way?”
“Just down the hall and the first door on the right,” the nurse quietly whispered. Dave could tell she was deeply affected.
Dave nodded and made his way down the hall, pausing before he entered his wife’s room. He knew he wouldn’t be able to bear seeing her like this, yet he breathed a prayer of strength and opened the door.
Emma lay in the hospital bed, her long brown hair cascading down her shoulders and framing her pale, white face. Yet despite how she appeared, she had a peaceful complexion, and her lips formed an almost smile. Dave sat down next to her, held her cold hand. “Em, it’s me, Dave. Noelle’s here too. You wouldn’t believe how much she looks like you. So -” he choked on sobs rising in his throat. “So beautiful,” he finished. “I wish you could be here for when Noelle grows up. I don’t know how I’m gonna live without you.”
Emma moved her head slightly. “Dave,” she whispered.
Dave wiped a tear from his eye and moved closer. “Em, you’re awake. Shh, honey, don’t try to talk.”
Emma smiled faintly and closed her eyes. “I love you, Dave. I love you, my…my little daughter. Dave, will you tell her about me? Let her know how much I love her.”
“Of course,” Dave choked on his words. “I’m praying you can tell her yourself though.”
“Dave, they say… I’m not gonna make it,” Emma’s voice cracked.
“You’re gonna make it, Em. I know you will. You have to.” Dave couldn’t keep the tears away. They just kept falling, blurring his vision. He hastily wiped them away.
“Whatever happens, Dave, we can trust God in this.” Emma’s voice grew more and more hoarse.
Dave knew she was tiring out. “I bet Noelle wants to see her mama. She looks just like you, Em.”
Emma opened her eyes again and smiled as she looked on her daughter, so innocent and beautiful. “Can… can I hold her for a minute if you help me?”
“S-sure.” Dave gently laid the tiny bundle in Emma’s outstretched arms, keeping them up for support.
“Merry Christmas, Dave,” Emma said quietly as she kissed Noelle on the forehead.
“Merry Christmas, love.” Dave could tell Emma was weakening, so he took Noelle out of her arms. “Get some rest now. I’ll be here the entire time, okay? I won’t ever leave. I’m just going to take Noelle back to the nursery. Be right back.”
Emma nodded wearily, already drifting off to sleep.
Dave took Noelle back to the nursery, then hurried back to Emma’s room. Emma had fallen fast asleep again, and Dave took a seat next to her bed, held her hand gently. Lord, how can I live without her? It seemed from deep within his heart a little voice told him, “Trust me, My son. I am the Way, the Truth, and the LIFE. Emma’s life is in My hands.”
Only then did Dave realize the tears dripping down his face through his fingers, as he felt a calming peace wash over his body. Lord, I will trust you. Thank you for Your love and mercy. He then lay his head next to Emma’s and fell fast asleep.


Dave awoke with a startling realization that the room was now dark. Was it because the curtains were drawn over the windows? Or was it already night?
Uncurling from his position next to Emma, who was still sleeping, Dave stiffly got up and walked to the window. Yes, it was night. The Christmas lights shone brightly against the darkness of the streets. Emma would love to see this. He gently shook her and her eyes fluttered open.
“Em, I want you to see this. Look.” Dave opened the window’s drapes and took her hand as he sat down at the edge of her bed. “Isn’t it pretty?”
Emma nodded, tears filling her eyes. “I love you, Dave.” She began to shake with sobs as she crumpled into his arms. “I wish I didn’t have to leave you right now. Dave, please… please tell our baby about Jesus, and about this special day she was born on. Make sure she knows I loved her so much.” She touched his cheek. “I’m so thankful for our life we had together, Dave. I…I love you so much.”
Dave couldn’t stop the tears flowing down his cheeks and into her hair. “I will, Em. I will. I just wish it didn’t have to end so soon.”
“Don’t stop trusting God, Dave. I know He… had a plan for this. I love you.”
Dave swept her hair from her face. “I love you more than words can say.” He framed her face with his hands and kissed her. She sighed contentedly and then slipped into her Savior’s arms, the One Who had given His Son for her.
The funeral was held for Wednesday, two days after Christmas. Dave held Noelle, dressed in a little red dress, sleeping peacefully in his arms. “You look just like your mama, you know. I’ll always tell you about her, Noelle. She had a beautiful heart, and she… she loved you so much. She would have loved to see you grow up into a little girl, then a young woman. I know she’s proud of you already.”
Noelle opened her eyes sleepily and cooed. Sobs caught in his throat as he realized God’s gift to Him this Christmas was right in His very arms. A daughter who looked exactly like her mother. And I’m so thankful, God.


Thoughts? Lemme know what you thought in the comments, and I’m always open to alternative endings or ways I could have ended this better πŸ™‚

Anyways, it’s only two days until Christmas! ah wow!

Merry Christmas, everyone πŸ™‚