The Sisterhood Tag

Hello everyone! 🙂

I’m making up my own tag today, although it’s probably been done before 😛 The Sisterhood Tag (and brothers are a very essential part of my life – I’m just doing a sister one this time;))


The rules!

*Answer the five questions from the tag, and then make up five of your own! Keep the fun going 😉

*Tag whomever you wish! You don’t even have to tag anyone to do this; you can just dedicate the tag to a ‘sister’, biological or adopted, who means a lot to you!

*Have fun!


  1. What’s one of the biggest blessings that you appreciate about your sister?
  2. What is one of your favorite activities to do with your sister(s)?
  3. Are you “Same Jane” with your sister(s), or “Different Dolly”?
  4. What is one of the most hilarious memories you’ve had with your sisters?
  5. What is the best part about being a sister, in your opinion?


I’m tagging, for this one…



Faith P.


(If you don’t have any sisters, then feel free to do it for your brother(s)! They’re pretty special too ;))


3 thoughts on “The Sisterhood Tag

    1. Just copy the rules to your blog, and answer the questions I have put down here, then if you want, create five more questions for others to do! You can tag others specifically to do this tag too. 🙂


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