Day #9: DOC Blog Linkup!

Hey everyone! 🙂 Let’s move onto day #9! Only 3 more days until Christmas! Whaat?!

So, let me remind you that the giveaway I’m hosting only has three days left, so if you would  still like to keep those entries comin’ click HERE! Also, Blessing Counter is having two awesome giveaways! So go check those out over HERE!

Let’s move on, shall we? 🙂

Credits to Jesseca Dawn.

A little more of a laid-back post today. I’m going to be sharing some Christmas-ey pictures that I’ve taken from around my house and outside when it was snowing! And a few more pics.


Above picture: My wonderful friend gave me this awesome mug that has the name of my book on one side and a quote from one of the characters on the other side. So awesome!



And one more! photo


Merry Christmas everyone!

Enjoy the pictures!

-Olivia 🙂

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