It’s been a long time/ Good Friday πŸ˜Š

Hey everyone πŸ™‚

I know.. I know.. it has been a long time since I have posted anything!

It is also Good Friday.Β If anyone doesn’t know what Good Friday is to us Christians, just comment and I’ll explain. 😊

Good friday. Try that a couple times on your tongue. Say it five times fast. It’s pretty easy, isn’t it? It’s easy to just say Good Friday, as in, “Have a good Friday, Grace!” But once a year, we especially remember through a holiday, Christ’s death on the cross for us sinners.

I’m guilty. You’re guilty. But Christ, “in that while we were still sinners, (Christ) died for us.” But we can’t do it on our own, not by our own strength. God the Holy Spirit has to work in us. And…

If we will only turn to Him and put our faith and trust in Him to forgive us our sins. John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

WOW! And then we look at Luke, or any of the gospels. They tell Jesus’s death, and how He took the wrath we deserved. But wait!

If He died, then how did it do any good?


AND THAT. Is the joyous news of Easter! (Which is right around the corner) we celebrate Christ’s death on the cross on Good Friday, and on Easter, His Resurrection!

Isn’t God amazing?

I have to admit, I didn’t celebrate Christ as I should have today. Until I saw a couple post on Facebook, that is when it “sank in” sorta.

Come to Jesus, friend! He is willing and able to cleanse you from all of your sins and burdens.

In Christ,

O. N. ☺️



8 thoughts on “It’s been a long time/ Good Friday πŸ˜Š

  1. Awww…love this post! And yes, sometimes I guess we just accept it as a fact that Christ came to earth. And it’s striking me even more that we shouldn’t ever take it for granted. I mean, He DIED. For sins not His own!! All because He loved us SO much. That’s absolutely amazing. Thank you for helping me remember this, Livs ❀


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